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Accelerated Master of Science in Education

Do you have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education? If so, then you are likely eligible for or accelerated Master of Science Degree in Education program. Since it is an accelerated program, you don’t have to spend two years or more to earn your Master’s Degree. Instead, you can earn your Master’s Degree in Humanities after just one year.

American International Theism University offers all its Humanities courses over the internet. This gives you the opportunity to study for your Master’s Degree in Humanities without compromising your current work schedule. Some of the online courses associated with the Master’s Degree in Humanities program include Research Methods, Death & Dying, Grief Counseling, Psychotherapy Overview, Ethical Issues in Counseling, and Treatment Planning.

The purpose of a humanities degree is to learn about human beings and the way they think and act. If you can earn a Master’s Degree in Humanities in Grief or Education then you’ll have a lot of employment opportunities in various fields, such as counseling and teaching. Perhaps you could get a job as a grief counselor or therapist. You could even become a humanities teacher at a university too.

Humanities opens up career opportunities in other fields too. Many graduates with Master’s Degrees in Humanities will get jobs as event organizers, travel agents, technical writers, advertising sales agents, and copywriters. A humanities degree lets you explore many different types of jobs. The demand for these jobs exists in every developed country in the world, so you can take the Master’s Degree and use it practically everywhere.

American International Theism University is authorized to award accredited Master’s Degrees. When you receive your diploma, it will not indicate that you took an accelerated master degree program or anything like that. It will simply state the humanities major and the name of the school that awarded it to you. Once employers see your diploma, they will accept it as accredited and valuable.